UNDP Zimbabwe
| Annual Report
2023 in Review
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UNDP Zimbabwe
| Annual Report
2023 in Review
Man dispenses medicine in pharmacy at hospital
Bolstering healthcare infrastructure
In 2023, we completed construction of 178 pharmacies equipped with modern amenities like air conditioning and suitable storage.

Communities now have improved access to essential medicines, paving the way for healthier futures.
SDG 3 icon - Good health and well-being

Building Strong
Health Systems

Together Towards Tomorrow
As the steward of the Global Fund grant, we are proud to be working alongside the Government of Zimbabwe and our partners to tackle the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Thanks to the combined efforts of partners, led by the Ministry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe achieved the 95-95-95 targets in 2023.

This translates to fewer infections, healthier lives, and a brighter future for Zimbabwe.

Together, we are on track to end AIDS in Zimbabwe by 2030.
95-95-95 targets
UNAIDS set targets to diagnose 95% of all HIV+ individuals, treat 95% of those diagnosed, & achieve viral suppression in 95% of those treated
Our contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 3 achievements is made possible by Global Fund grants and leadership from the Government of Zimbabwe
Silhouette of two people walking in the sunset
Little Victories - A Path to Protecting HIV-Exposed Children
Despite the success, the well-being of HIV-exposed children remains an area of concern as the 95-95-95 targets have yet to be realised in this demographic.

In the past year, approximately 33,000 HIV-positive pregnant women received crucial Anti Retro-viral Therapy (ART) during pregnancy and/or labor. This intervention not only safeguards the health of the mothers but also significantly reduces the risk of mother-to-child transmission of the virus.

Moreover, an equivalent number of HIV-exposed infants underwent virological testing for HIV within the pivotal time frame of two months post-birth.
1 million
people enabled by the Global Fund programme to continue with their Anti Retro-Viral therapy
Person holding bottle of medication to camera
4 school children walking towards towards classrooom
Bush Boardings
Weekly accommodation, often behind shops or in other people’s homes, where students who live far from schools occupy to avoid travelling long distances.
Girl making bed
Finger pointing at handwritten written page
Safe Haven for Education: Empowering Girls to Learn
In 2023, a new chapter began for girls’ education in our community.

These temporary boarding facilities provide a safe alternative to “bush boardings” – unsafe rooms often exposing girls to exploitation.

With this worry lifted, they can now focus on their education and reach their full potential.
girls supported to pursue their education and break the cycle of poverty and vulnerability to HIV, thanks to vital education subsidies
For 3 years, I lived in a small room near school (bush boarding) to avoid a long commute. We often had just one meal a day. I had only one torn uniform. I would always face pressure from older men who offered money or rides in exchange for sex, but I worried about getting sick.

Then, I received help with my school fees, uniforms, and a place to safe place to stay. It changed everything! Now, I’m in high school and want to be a doctor or manager. These are big jobs, especially for girls in my village. I want to show them that girls can lead too!
- Lily Girl*
(*Not her real name)
Hands washing
Two health professionals walking in corridor
Two people on top of roof structure
Clean Water, Healthy Lives: Solar Power Fuels Healthcare
These solar-powered boreholes provide a reliable source of clean water for our health facilities – hospitals, staff, and patients alike.

This sustainable solution ensures access to safe water, a critical element for quality healthcare and a healthier community.
Investing in Our Heroes: Strengthening the Health Workforce
Global Fund grants in 2023 addressed a critical challenge – attracting and retaining skilled health workers.

By supporting both salaries and incentives, these grants helped mitigate the rapid loss of personnel and ensure essential staff are well-supported.
New Pharmaceutical Warehouse Completed!
In 2023, construction of the new NatPharm pharmaceutical warehouse in Mutare was completed and is scheduled for commissioning in 2024.

By ensuring the timely and efficient distribution of life-saving medications and medical equipment, the warehouse will prevent stockouts and improve access to critical supplies for patients.
boreholes drilled at various health facilities to provide clean water to staff and patients.
Health workers and village health workers supported with supplemental renumeration and incentives