UNDP Zimbabwe
| Annual Report
2023 in Review
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UNDP Zimbabwe
| Annual Report
2023 in Review
Man standing in front of a building holding mobile phone
Cultivating Climate Resilience in Southern Zimbabwe
To ensure over 1 million small-holder farmers are equipped to adapt with the changing climate, we are implementing a three-pronged strategy: expanding access to irrigation by establishing or renovating 24 climate-smart irrigation schemes over the next three years, increasing the area under sustainable irrigation by over 1800 hectares.

Additionally, we’re upgrading agricultural practices to be more climate-resilient and increasing access to real-time weather and climate data to farmers, such as those at Masholomoshe Irrigation Scheme, empowering them to make informed decisions.

In 2023, we commenced construction on nine of the irrigation schemes and completed two, putting us on track to achieve our ambitious goals.
SDG 13 icon Climate action

Adapting to a
Changing Climate

Together Towards Tomorrow
Our efforts to bolster vulnerable communities’ resilience to climate change continued, especially in anticipation of the El Niño phenomenon’s potential to decrease rainfall during the 2023/2024 season.

We partnered with the Government to establish or revitalise climate-smart irrigation schemes, providing a crucial safety net.  

Additionally, a key focus was improving access to localized weather information, empowering communities to make informed planting decisions amidst shifting weather patterns.

We are also encouraged by the positive results from ongoing training initiatives in climate-smart agricultural practices.
Irrigation Schemes
Farming areas where water systems are set up & managed to help grow crops. People in the community work together to manage & benefit from these schemes.
The Green Climate Fund and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office are supporting the training and implementation of climate-smart agriculture methods.
Smiling farmer in the middle of a sorghum crop
Beating the Drought: Climate-Smart Practices Save the Harvest
While El Niño’s drought grips the region, Shadreck Chakwakukwa’s field thrives.  By adopting climate-smart agricultural practices, the soil retains precious moisture, ensuring his crop of small grains will carry through to a successful harvest - powerful proof of the resilience and sustainability of these innovative methods.
Farmer walks in field checking soil moisture
Number of hectares that 70,000 small holder farmers put under climate smart agriculture practises
Man in flourishing sorghum field

Proof of Concept

Project Yield Average
National Yield Average
White Sorghum
Pearl Millet
Grain crop icon
Climate-Smart Success
Smallholder farmers are exceeding the national average yield for sorghum and millet, and matching the previously lagging national average for maize, thanks to climate-smart practices
Man holding laptop standing beside automated weather station
smallholder farmers received regular, tailored weather information through various media.
Weather Wisdom at Your Fingertips: Empowering Farmers with Local Forecasts
UNDP partnered with the Meteorological Services Department to bring vital weather information directly to farmers.

Seasonal forecasts, now available at the district level with the help of agricultural extension officers help farmers plan their planting and manage resources effectively.
Our region receives little rainfall. We need to use every little drop of rain optimally. That is why these (weather forecast & advice) messages are very important to us.
- Vuma Nyama
Mwenezi District
Man in a crop field field smiling holding a mobile phone
Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA)
UNDP & WFP are using the PICSA approach to help smallholder farmers make informed decisions on climate and weather conditions
Additionally, timely 10-day forecasts are disseminated through WhatsApp groups and four radio channels, ensuring critical updates reach even the most remote communities.

Vuma Nyama, a seed farmer in Mwenezi District uses the forecasts to determine the variety of seed to plant, depending on the rainfall information he receives.