UNDP Zimbabwe
| Annual Report
2023 in Review
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UNDP Zimbabwe
| Annual Report
2023 in Review
Empowering Rural Livelihoods Through Livestock Production
Recognizing the limitations of rain-dependent crop farming in this region, Khumbulile Dube has a visionary plan to establish the first-ever goat abattoir in her community.

Livestock rearing offers a promising alternative for Mzingwane’s smallholder farmers, providing a source of income to cover essential needs.

By supporting individuals like Khumbulile with the necessary tools and soft skills, we are empowering them to build strong, agro-based value chains. This approach fosters local economic growth and strengthens the resilience of these communities.
SDG 8 icon Decent work and economic growth

Economic Impact:
Local and Beyond

Local Solutions. National Impact.
In our ongoing commitment to Zimbabwe’s economic revitalisation, we focus on fostering both localised and national economic growth.

Drawing insights from data and prior achievements, we are integrating the concept of Village Savings and Lending groups into our community-based initiatives to bridge the financial inclusion divide, particularly among those overlooked by traditional financial institutions.

At the national level, our efforts are dedicated to bolstering the Government’s initiatives in domestic resource mobilisation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the National Development Strategy.
Initiatives to stimulate local economic growth with Village Savings groups are implemented with thanks to the Green Climate Fund. Support to women empowerment initiatives were made possible through the European Union funded Spotlight Initiative. Our work on the Tax4SDGs is supported by UNDP Core Resources.
Woman sewing behind a sewing machine
Sewing her future: How empowering women boosts local economies
Dorothy Godza (1), a skilled tailor, could not turn her talent into financial security.  Many women face this barrier.

‍That is why we focus on equipping women like Dorothy with the skills, tools and resources they need to thrive.

Thanks to grants from the Spotlight Initiative which concluded in 2023, Dorothy’s equipment enables her to run her sewing business beyond UNDP’s support, empowering her to pay for her son’s education to put food on the table.
Dorothy’s success story is proof: empowering women economically is key to reducing their vulnerability and building stronger communities.

Bridging the Financial Inclusion
Gap with Group Savings

Three women smiling, standing together
Village Savings &
Lending Groups

Self-managed associations who come together to save money & lend to each other. The savings are shared out after an agreed period.
Handouts to Handshakes: Building Self-Reliant Communities with Savings & Lending
To empower financial inclusion and long-term programme success, we integrate Savings & Lending groups into our initiatives.

By pooling resources, group memberscan access capital to purchase agricultural supplies and equipment, fostering self-reliance and continued resilience beyond UNDP’s support.
Village Savings and Lending groups formed
households participating and benefiting from groups
US$ 260k
cumulative savings made in 2023 by 160 groups that were monitored
US$ 200
average annual savings made by each member across the groups
men to women ratio of members in the Village Savings and Lending groups
Extension workers trained in management of the groups, and in turn  mobilised the members

What group members invested
in following payouts

of the members invested in at least two activities that are agriculture related after their share outs.

Growing the economy from domestic resources

To empower financial inclusion and long-term programme success, we integrate Savings & Lending groups into our initiatives.

By pooling resources, group memberscan access capital to purchase agricultural supplies and equipment, fostering self-reliance and continued resilience beyond UNDP’s support.
Tax4SDGs Initiative
Seeks to improve tax
systems, support private
sector with SDG policies,
conducts economic
research, and engage
citizens in national
development plans
Infographic of UUNDP's support to Zimbabwe's 2024 National Budget and increase domestic resources