UNDP Zimbabwe
| Annual Report
2023 in Review
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UNDP Zimbabwe
| Annual Report
2023 in Review
Courtroom scene with TV screen in background
Steadfast Support for Justice Beyond a Pandemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we played a pivotal role in supporting the Judicial Services Commission’s initiative to establish virtual courts.

Our contribution enabled all 10 provinces to set up virtual court systems that connect remand prisons with courtrooms.

The year 2023 marked a pivotal turning point as the fruits of our investment began to manifest.
SDG 15 icon Life on land

Justice Institutions

Building a Stronger Justice System
In 2023, our collaboration with the Justice Services Commission led to notable advancements in rectifying disparities in the application of the law, thereby enhancing equitable access to justice.

The country held general elections and we supported the Electoral Commission with educating the electorate. In addition, we were proud to partner with UNESCO and UN Women whose expertise proved invaluable in strengthening media capacity and monitoring gender issues throughout the polling period.

Our earlier investments in mainstreaming technology in legal and justice institutions are starting to yield results and make an impact.
Investments towards establishing virtual courts were made possible by UNDP’s Partners at Core. Support to the Electoral Commission was made possible by funding from the European Union, Japan, France and UNDP’s Core Resources.
Voter education billboard
Woman holding an election education chart in a church
Empowering Participation
Our support to the Electoral Commission was primarily focused on voter education for the 2023 elections. UNDP supported development of essential education materials to empower voter educators.

We also supported development and production of educational materials to facilitate outreach initiatives, including weekly radio broadcasts, nationwide road shows, impactful billboards, and informative Public Service Announcements.
Media Empowerment
We partnered with UNESCO who engaged media practitioners across print, broadcast, and online platforms, fostering informed dialogue and inclusive coverage.
Gender Watch
We also collaborated with UN Women and the Gender Commission who established a Gender Observatory to monitor and enable the participation of women in the elections throughout Zimbabwe.
Judge in court sitting behind laptop and cameraMan looking at TV screen displaying a courtroom setting
Courtroom scene with TV screen in background
Justice Virtually Delivered: Closing the Backlog Gap
In 2023, nearly 2,800 cases were successfully heard virtually, a significant proportion of the country’s remand hearings backlog.

By streamlining the hearing process, this system helps guarantee timely resolutions, ensuring swifter access to justice for all
The benefits of the Integrated Electronic Case Management System [encompassing the virtual courts] far outweigh the perceived and real challenges.

The new system has dealt decisively with inefficiency, corruption, constant missing records and pleadings, back-stamping of documents filed late by parties, clandestine setting down of matters, and many other evils pointed out by stakeholders.

The system of justice delivery cannot afford to go back to those dark spots. The digital system has brought efficiency and transparency.
- Hon. Chief Justice Luke Malaba
On the occasion of the official opening of the 2024 Legal Year
4 Rangers and police patrolling in Mana Pools National Park
Promoting Justice and Protecting our Environment: A Cross-Portfolio Collaboration
Our Transformative Governance portfolio, and the Nature, Climate and Energy portfolio joined forces to support the Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs in a critical initiative aimed to achieve substantial uniformity in sentencing for wildlife crimes.

Consistent sentencing ensures both offenders and victims receive equal protection and benefit from the law, serving as a strong deterrent to those considering illegal wildlife trade.